Solving DeFi's Hardest Problems

Ergodi's research and quantitative optimization solutions drive rapid and sustainable growth for DeFi’s top protocols, DAOs, and ecosystems

Emu Protocol - Oracle-less Lending

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– We introduce a lending protocol design that give lenders the freedom to set their own price, and allows dynamic interest rate discovery.

Safe Partial Liquidation Mechanism

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– In this paper, we analyze how an liquidation bonus could be calculated to minimize the risk of bad partial liquidation like the one in Aave in November 2022.

A Framework for Deliquidation

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– In this paper, we propose a general deliquidation process and introduce a process for how to conduct consecutive deliquidation.

Who we are

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Ergodi's team has a wealth of experience incubating and advising DeFi teams on risk measures. Our research and quantitative optimization solutions drive rapid and sustainable growth of DeFi protocols. We are motivated by applying mathematical rigor to DeFi to ensure that the industry is safe for all.

Ruichao Jiang - Research
PhD in mathematics from University of British Columbia. Previously research lead at a leading stablecoin protocol.
Ze Chen - Business Development
Previously software engineer at Zapper and co-founded a stablecoin protocol that reached $70m in TVL at peak.